The Most Delicious Dish

Printable creativity worksheet

You are the chef! What would be your best recipe? Draw yourself and your signature dish.

This activity facilitates learning, enhancing the child’s freedom of decision and nurturing their creativity. With this worksheet they can develop observation, decision making, concentration, as well as fine motor skills in a playful way.

Use this both at home or in the classroom (as warm up, center activity or exercise for fast finishers). Just print it out and give it to the kid to start drawing!

Some extra ideas

  • Let your little big artist explore with a whole range of drawing materials: colored pencils, markers, collage, crayons, tempera, etc.
  • Leave the drawing completely free to the child’s imagination or customize to the child’s interests and current lessons in the classroom:
    • Free: Tell the child to portray themself as the chef, and draw their signature dish. Encourage them to put their favorite ingredients and make original combinations.
    • Custom: Narrow down the drawings within a set of options. Adapt the complexity of the set to the age of kids. For example, to draw a dish with only healthy ingredients, or with autumn fruits, etc.

Before you go…

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